Materials Production | Jefferson County Public Schools
Jefferson County Public Schools Logo

Design and Editing Services that Work For You!

We are the district’s one-stop shop for graphic design, editing, and printing. Our team produces a variety of materials, including brochures, handbooks, programs, banners, posters, and signs, just to name a few.

A Great Value

Our professional design and editing services ensure that you receive the highest-quality product. To take advantage of these free services and reserve a spot on our schedule, submit your job request as soon as possible.

Additional Services

✔ We offer a variety of free data services.
✔ There are no charges on the custom design and editing of your items.
✔ There is no labor charge for printing and finishing your items.

Ready to print?

Navigate to the catalog, and choose Print From My Digital File.

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Materials Production has a districtwide reputation for excellent customer service and high-quality finished jobs!